coronavirus by shareef hirji

My name is jimmy I am 14 years old. I am doing a blog about COVID 19. I am doing this blog to make people more aware of COVID 19 which is spreading around the world. 

Ministerio de Salud confirma primer caso positivo de coronavirus ...

My learning about COVID 19 
I understand that the coronavirus is transmitted from person to person.  The symptoms are coughing, fever, tiredness, and difficulty breathing. My own definition of COVID 19 is that coronavirus is a respiratory illness that is transmitted by person to person. It was first discovered in Wuhan China when they were investigating the market. 

MY feelings  ABOUT COVID 19 
I feel like the coronavirus is getting too much because the people who have it is moving around and schools closed my dad shop in oyster bay is closed because of the coronavirus. Since school is closed we have to do everything online. The COVID 19  hit my home country Canada but my mom's side of her family is safe in Canada because some of them were in quarantine. Anyways we can find stuff to do in our houses when being quarantined.  


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